Reading notes: Mahabharata Part C
Arjuna and Krishna: Wikimedia Commons Plot The Pandavas must go live in the forest in exile because of their gambling losses. During their stay they visit many sages and learn a lot. Each of the brothers also embarks on their own journey. Because the Pandava brothers go into the forest, so must Draupadi. At the beginning of their exile, Krishna goes to speak with Draupadi and attempts to make Draupadi feel better about the situation. Krishna succeeds to a point, but Draupadi is still sad. Arjuna goes on his own adventures at this point to secure divine weapons for the rest of the Pandava brothers to help them in the journey. He secures weapons from the great god and spent the next five years in his father Indra’s abode learning dance and song. During Arjunas absence, the other brothers spent their time being visited by great sages who taught them valuable skills. During cattle inspections that the Kauravas had to undertake, the gandharvas and apsaras entered into bat...