Assignments and Extra Credit

File:Krishna and Balarama Arrive in the Forest, Folio from a Bhagavata Purana (Ancient Stories of the Lord) LACMA M.79.51.jpg
Krishna and Balarama: Wikimedia

     This class is unlike almost any I have taken while in college. The grading is set up very differently because assignments can be optional and made up with extra credit assignments. The class is also set up, so we can learn and write without having to stress about our grades. This is a big relief to me because the other classes I am in are very focused on our grades and completing every assignment. The extra credit assignments cover a multitude of topics, and I am particularly interested in the Growth Mindset and Wikipedia Trails options. I can use the knowledge and skills from these two topics and apply them to other classes. I am excited to learn and write more without having to stress as much.


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