Feedback Thoughts: Mindset is Everything

File:2014 Wikimania applicant survey - Effect of scholarship rejection.png
Dealing with Rejection: Wikimedia Commons

     Rejection is a common theme all throughout college. For me, rejection has most often come in the form of internships. For the past four months, I have been applying to internship after internship oftentimes either not hearing back from my application, or getting rejected after the first round of interviews. The article Why Rejection Hurts so Much is an interesting read because it gives scientific reasoning as to why rejection hurts so much. It makes me reflect on how rejection has shaped me as a student, and how I have learned to deal with rejection more constructively over the past two and a half years. College is a difficult time. Oftentimes I am overwhelmed with classes, and under prepared for upcoming exams and quizzes. The article 6 Bad Mental Habits that Sabotage Your Success is very insightful when it comes to mental preparation for tests, quizzes, or upcoming meetings. If I go into an exam feeling like I am going to fail, I will most likely not do well. However, if I go into that same exam feeling as prepared as I can be, I will most likely do better. College is about preparation and studying as hard as I can, but it is also about the mindset. Going forward, I will try to do better at going into exams and quizzes with a positive mindset.


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