Feedback Strategies: Not Just Praise

File:Ideal feedback model.svg
Feedback: Wikimedia

      Feedback is difficult. Being too difficult has the possibility of discouraging someone to the point that they no longer try, but being too positive about someones work may lead them to not attempt at improving anymore. The first article I read is The difference between praise and feedback. I found this article interesting because it is harsh about children getting constant praise. I agreed with the article's point that children should be told why there work or school assignments looks good. It should not just be that the work is good itself. However, I disagree with the idea that there should be no positive praise. Telling a five year old that their painting could use more effort doesn't do much for the child in general. It will only discourage them, and make them feel like they should not try at all. The second article I read is how to give students specific feedback. I agree with most of the points in the article. Developing students should not be told whether there work is good or bad, but rather what makes their work good or bad. This gives students guidance on how to work better in the future, and let's them know what they are doing right at the time. Feedback is an incredibly useful tool, and utilizing it to work more productively is one of the best things a student can do to improve. 


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