Week 8 Reading and Writing

  Image result for florence italy
Florence Italy: Wikimedia

   I chose the photo above from my introduction because it is one of my favorite photos. While it may not be related to one of the stories or my Storybook, it is still one of my favorite photos. Looking back throughout the course of this semester, my favorite reading assignment is Mahabharata. I find it more entertaining than Ramayana because of how much more intertwined all of the characters are. While the story can be confusing at times because of all of the characters, it is entertaining to read about how all of the characters are connected to one another. One of the most helpful note taking strategies in this course is the story planning. The reading notes associated with each reading are helpful, but the story planning helps solidify what I like to do with my stories. I am also happy with my class project. However, I still have continue critiquing it and solidifying what direction I exactly want to go with my project. Looking forward, I'm excited to continue with my class project and continue with bettering my note taking strategies.


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