Famous Last Words: Finishing up my Last couple of Weeks

File:Ski trail difficulty ratings in North America.jpg     
Ski Slope Difficulty: Wikimedia Commons

     This past week for classes has been particularly easy. All of my teachers have been getting their final homework's assigned and all of my projects for the upcoming week are now assigned as well. However, this next week will be particularly difficult. My professors don't particularly understand the idea of "dead week" and I will be working on a lot more than just studying for finals this dead week. Classes this semester have been very difficult and that's why I have really enjoyed Indian Epics. It has been a break from all of the math and science this semester.

     I think the lack of connection to other classes is what makes me enjoy Indian Epics so much. I don't have to write any papers in any of my other classes, and in fact, I don't have much writing at all. This makes Indian Epics a lot better because it's a break from other homework assignments. If I am stuck on some equation I don't know or some lab guide I can't quite figure out, I can just begin doing Indian Epics. It allows me to clear my brain from any of my other classes which is something that I really value.

     In the future, I will definitely recommend this class. While it is a lot of work, I have learned a lot more than I would have in any other class and I have strengthened my writing a lot. It's also really nice to be able to talk to other people besides those in my major or similar majors. Even if it over the computer. I am able to talk to others and see what other people's life goals are rather than some sort of engineering related job or graduate school. This class has also taught me a lot about time management. I have gotten a lot better about understanding how long I can write for and how long assignments typically take. This has been a different class for me, but has been one that I have gotten a lot out of.


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